How to choose my mattress?

3 min read

The time has come to replace your bedding and you wonder what mattress to choose?

Indeed, choosing your mattress is not so easy! Among all the technical terms, the different materials, thicknesses, and dimensions, it is sometimes difficult to navigate. This choice is however essential because a mattress alone supports 2/3 of the weight of the sleeper for years. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect mattress.

What type of mattress to choose: latex, springs or foam?

The technology of the memory Short Mattresses plays a key role in maintaining the body and therefore in comfort. Depending on the material used, the feeling will be different. There is no better technology than another, everyone has to find his own.

Plays a key role in maintaining the body and therefore in comfort. Depending on the material used, the feeling will be different. There is no better technology than another, everyone has to find his own.

The foam mattress: several levels of firmness

Lightweight, polyurethane foam is an existing foam material in different densities (from 25 kg / m3 to 60 kg / m3) with the firm, medium and soft comforts. Its aerated material gives it a great elasticity. If you want maximum comfort, choose a high resilience foam mattress greater than 35 kg / (m3). The foam mattress will fit perfectly to the shape of your body for a minimum of pressure.

The mattress springs, welcome, and dynamism

The pocket spring mattress provides support, firmness and maximum ventilation. Indeed thanks to independent springs and wrapped in a cloth bag, you will be able to move as much as you want, your partner will not feel anything. It is ideal if you are looking for sleeping independence and support.

Short MattressesLatex mattress for maximum comfort in two

Of natural or synthetic origin, the latex offers true independence of sleeping thanks to its strong resilience and its support precision. High-end and high density (between 50 kg / m3 and 85 kg / m3), it is hypoallergenic. The latex mattress will provide excellent ventilation and moisture evacuation.

What level of firmness to choose?

Between farm, very firm, mellow, very mellow, intermediate, there is enough to lose! The choice of the firmness of a mattress is not so simple, especially since it is not just a matter of taste.

Indeed you need to choose your mattress taking into account your height, your weight, and your morphology. In a simple way, it is necessary to increase the firmness of the mattress with the size, the weight. So, for a person of average height and weight, take a mattress, firm or balanced. For a small person, fine enough take a soft mattress. It should also be noted that very firm mattresses are less and less appreciated with age!

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