Key points to choose the location of your business

3 min read

Before looking for where to build your business, it’s important to define what your needs are, taking into account your business resources and your budget. Conducting this analysis takes a considerable amount of time and challenges, but it is important to pay particular attention to this because choosing a place of business for your business is an important decision that can hardly be changed later. That’s why, to help you in your steps, we have prepared a summary of the main criteria to consider.

coworking lenexa ksDoes the geographic location meet the requirements of your customers and employees?

First you need to  determine coworking lenexa ks who your target audience is and whether proximity is important to them. If your clientele is primarily local, does the population consist of a sufficient percentage of potential customers? Is the economy of the region stable?

What qualifications do your employees need? Are people with these skills available in the area? Does the location have interesting attractions that could add value to your workplace and that your customers and employees would find pleasant to have nearby (ex: restaurants, schools, daycares, recreation, transportation, cost interesting housing, etc.)?

Also, find out if any zoning ordinances or restrictions could affect your business in any way. Check the specific location you want as well as the neighboring properties (you probably do not want an alcohol store next to your childcare center).

An address that speaks

Since the location of a business often speaks for itself, choose a place consistent with the branding of your business. Are you more of the office type in an urban loft or in a neutral and refined building? If you are a shopkeeper, do you want a traditional shop, a space in a shopping center, or a kiosk that you can move to different places?

 Action or discretion?

If you have a retail business, you will want to promote a visible and accessible location with high traffic. You would not want to find yourself stuck in an unnoticed place and see potential customers go straight on, without stopping at your place. On the other hand, if the services you offer require discretion (eg psychologist’s office, cosmetic surgery clinic, etc.), settling in the middle of a shopping center is probably not the best option. Watch for traffic outside the local that interests you at different times of the day and on different days of the week to make sure the volume of traffic meets your needs

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