Every year, many children are injured or die from traffic accidents. These injuries and deaths could have been avoided if only the parents had been more careful in providing their children with the right car seats. The place is important, and no parent should neglect it. In addition, this is the mandate of the law, and many countries around the world have strengthened this policy to ensure the safety of all children during movement.
There are a lot of car seats in the industry today
Given this fact, it will certainly be difficult for you to find the right one that will provide the best protection for your child. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing. However, an important reminder is that your child needs to go through several types of seat transitions. The stages would be back, forward and booster seat, each stage should depend on its weight, height and age. You must make sure that these transitional stages of the car seat are followed, so that your child is always well protected and that the seat is not useless.
When your child is still a child or weighs less than 35 pounds, you must remember to keep him in the child seat in the backward position. With this position, you will be well protected, knowing that this is the safest position, since it will be in a recumbent mode. On the other hand, when your child exceeds the maximum weight for a child seat, you can now use the best convertible car seat consumer reports. What the transformable child seat does is that you can now look ahead, so when you ride you can see your child’s face in the rearview mirror.
You cannot just give your child a car seat. This is due to the fact that the use of the seat is largely dependent on the age, height, weight and mental maturity of your child. With a child’s weight, he must weigh from 36 to 70 pounds in order to have access to a transformable child seat. The premise here is that if your child weighs less or more than what is required, he will not be provided with the protection he needs. In addition, it may be too small or too large for the seat belt, which really makes you feel very awkward. Of course, the choice of location will also depend on your lifestyle and preferences.